Clarke McEwan Accountants
Prepare now for your quarterly superannuation guarantee (SG) contribution lodgement.
Most superannuation clearing houses (including SuperStream compliant software companies) require payment by the 14th of the month in order to distribute the funds to the relevant super funds for each employee. If you use the ATO Small business Clearing House (SBSCH) you have until the 28th to lodge and pay.
July is a good time to review all payroll transactions for the financial year. You may have already done this as part of the annual payment summary process.
Here's what you need to review:
Checking the figures thoroughly each quarter ensures that you report and pay accurate amounts for each employee. You will also have a more accurate picture of your superannuation liability and be able to plan accordingly.
REMEMBER: To make your payments on time to avoid penalties.
Superannuation calculations can be difficult if your payroll software is not set up for correct accruals. Talk to us. We can help review your super setup and the SG accounts used in your accounting software. If you dont have software we can recommend appropriate software for your business.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation