Clarke McEwan Accountants
Even the most committed professionals can suffer from lapses in motivation or the strength to stay focused on monotonous but essential tasks.
This easy five-step checklist will help boost your motivation and bring your team along with you.
1-Identify your personal motivators
Examine those factors that stimulate the desire in you to continually be interested and committed to a goal or desired outcome. Sometimes this will be a combination of both conscious and unconscious factors. It is reasonable to say that motivated people usually act in a way that goes beyond what a reasonable person would do.
So for you personally, what are your true, sustained and most powerful personal motivators? Is it achievement, recognition, competition, variation, winning or proving others wrong that fuels your desire?
2-Identify your underlying goals
Behind every motivational impulse lies a contributory factor. You may feel a great urge to do, or not to do, a particular behaviour and you continue to act this way despite the obvious disadvantages.
So why are you reluctant in these situations when it is a genuine opportunity to position yourself ? Do you, for example, have an underlying fear of not knowing what you need to know, or a fear of providing feedback that may be inaccurate? Or perhaps you are uncomfortable with sharing an opinion that is unpopular and which goes against the grain of what is considered conventional wisdom?
3-Address the gaps between your current and ideal motivational mix
Now that you have identified what may be stopping you, this new awareness is the basis for change and will provide you with the insight to understand what adjustments you need to make.
These gaps can occur for several reasons and over a lengthy period, but once the issue is identified and appropriate is action taken, the solution to bridging this gap can occur quickly and successfully.
4-Identify the valued alternative outcomes that these missing motivators will bring you
Start to envisage the alternative outcome that a behavioural change will provide over time, and how these new outcomes will benefit and drive greater achievement and success for you and your team.
Once it becomes apparent that the processes being followed are the right ones to gain future success regardless of what they might be, you can move to the final step.
5-Establish your new behaviours
Behavioural science has clearly demonstrated repeatedly that around three to four weeks of continuous focus on a new behaviour will lead to it becoming ingrained as new habits that delete and replace earlier, unwanted habits, be they professionally based or otherwise. Therefore, as you establish your new behaviour sets to these revised motivations, and focus on the value that those alternative outcomes will provide you over time, your motivations become a self-perpetuating process.
It is important to always remember that people are different and will have different types of motivation and to different degrees. There should be no judgement made here as there is no right or wrong, however you can make simple observations of those outcomes and a logical analysis made of how well, or otherwise they align to your stated goals.
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