If you want to take your business to the next level of financial control and profitability, you need a Chief Financial Officer (CFO). A CFO is a financial coach and mentor who can help a business grow and stay on the financial straight-and-narrow.
In the corporate world, full-time CFO's provide financial monitoring, internal financial controls, set KPI's (Key Performance Indicators), provide cash flow forecasts and budgets, help set targets for the business, provide financial perspectives on major business decisions, and ensure that other departments and corporate officers are accountable for profitability and performance. They are also senior corporate executives who command substantial salaries and are often too expensive for small and medium sized family businesses to be able to afford.
We are experienced in providing this level of advice for our business clients. Our degree of involvement in your business is specifically designed to meet your needs. We can meet regularly, or once a year, or anything in between – it really comes down to your business needs. All for a fraction of the cost of otherwise having to employ a full time CFO in your business.
If you'd like to know more about our virtual CFO services, call now for a discussion or book an appointment time
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