Clarke McEwan Accountants
Doyoufeeltheneedtobe moreorganized ? moreproductive ? Is your day spent inafrenzyofactivity and afterwards you wonder whyyouhaven't accomplishedmuch?
Timemanagement is learned and by instilling some basictips you can increase yourproductivity while staying Calm, Cool and C ollected. Here's how:
Real time has only 24 hours
T hi s i s th e firs t thin g yo u hav e t o understan d about tim e management is that n o matte r ho w organize d you are , ther e are alway s onl y 2 4 hour s i na da y. T im e doesn' t change. Al l you ca n actuall y manag e i s yourself and wha t you d o wit h th e tim e tha t you have. Appreciat e this. Internaliz e it. An d mov e o n a s soo n a s possibl e t o th e nex t tip.
The Time Wasters
Man y o f u s ar e pre y t o time-waster s tha t stea l tim e w e coul d be usin g muc h mor e productivel y. Wha t ar e you r tim e bandits ? D o you spen d to o muc h tim e 'ne t surfing , readin g email , F aceboo k posting, texting , o r makin g persona l calls?
I na surve y b y salar y .co m , 8 9 percen t o f respondent s admitte d to wastin g tim e ever y da y a t work:
- 3 1 percen t wast e roughl y 3 0 minute s daily
- 3 1 percen t wast e roughl y on e hou r daily
- 1 6 percen t wast e roughl y tw o hour s daily
- 6 percen t wast e roughl y thre e hour s daily
- 2 percen t wast e roughl y fou r hour s daily
So if you suspect you may have fallen into a tim e- waster pattern, try t rackin g your d ail y a ctivitie s s o yo u ca n for m a n accurat e pictur e o f ho w much tim e yo u spen d o n variou s activities , th e firs t ste p t o effectiv e time management.
A Change to Behaviour
Remembe r , th e focu s o f tim e managemen t i s actuall y changin g your behaviours , no t changin g time.A goo d plac e t o star t i s b y eliminating you r persona l time-wasters. F o r on e week , fo r example , se ta goal tha t you'r e no t goin g t o tak e persona l phon e call s o r respon d to non-wor k relate d tex t message s whil e you'r e working.
Find a system that works for you
Whethe r it' sa Da y - T ime r ,a softwar e progra m o ra phon e app , the firs t ste p t o physicall y managin g you r tim e i s t o know where it's going no w an d plannin g ho w you'r e goin g t o spen d you r tim e i n the future.A softwar e progra m suc h a s Outlook , fo r instance , let s you schedul e event s easil y an d ca n b e se t t o remin d yo u o f event s in advance , makin g you r tim e managemen t easie r.
Prioritize ruthlessly and stick to it
You should start each day with a session prioritizing the tasks for that day; set your performance benchmark. If you have 20 tasks for a given day, how many of them do you truly need to accomplish?
Learn to Delegate or Outsource
Delegation is one of the hardest things to learn how to do for many business owners. No matter how small your business is there's no need for you to be a one-person show. You need to let other people carry some of the load.
Establish Routines & Get in the Habit of Setting Time Limits for Tasks
For most people, creating and following a routine lets them get right down to the tasks of the day rather than frittering away time getting started. If a crisis does arise, you'll be much more productive if you follow routines most of the time.
Finally, set a limit of one hour a day for certain tasks and stick to it. For instance, reading and answering email can consume your whole day if you let it.
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